NFSC 204 Perspectives in Nutrition (1 Credit; Writing Intensive)
Current trends in the fields of nutrition and food science; critical review relevant literature in these fields ranging from popular press to peer-reviewed research; study of original research and market trends in understanding food, food processing, nutrients, health and diseases.
NFSC 365 Nutritional Physiology of Vitamins and Minerals (3 Credits)
Both Spring and Fall semesters
Fundamental nutritional significance of fat soluble and water soluble vitamins and minerals to human metabolism, cell biology and physiology; micro-nutrient groups as per metabolic function or biochemical and physiological actions; important dietary sources, absorption, storage, metabolism, (bio)chemistry, deficiency and toxicity of individual nutrients in this context and basis of DRIs.
NFSC 469 Experimental Nutrition Laboratory (Credits 3) – Will be offered Fall 2021
Investigation of tools and molecular techniques used in studies of nutrition and metabolism (e.g. obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.); didactic and hands-on laboratory components; includes model systems, measurements of energy balance, body composition, RNA and protein analyses.
NFSC 481 Seminar
Guidelines and practice in journal article review and making effective technical presentations; strategies for conducting a job search; development of résumés and letters and interviewing targeted for careers in nutrition and food science or graduate school.
Sample Syllabus (Spring 2018)
NFSC 485 Directed Studies and NFSC 491 Research (Credits 0 to 4)
Directed study on selected problems in the area of nutrition and food science not covered in other courses.
NFSC 491 Research (Credits 0 to 4)
Research conducted under the direction of a faculty member in nutrition and food science. May be repeated 3 times for credit. Registration in multiple sections of this course are possible within a given semester provided that the per semester credit hour limit is not exceeded.